Pregnant people and fibre

Does fibre affect pregnancy?
During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to dietary choices including consuming enough fibre. Proper fibre intake can support a healthy pregnancy, along with providing other known health benefits. Research suggests that higher dietary fibre intake during pregnancy can help you increase gut microbiome diversity, reduce the risk of glucose intolerance and pre-eclampsia, achieve appropriate gestational weight gain, and prevent constipation.[1] Parental fibre intake is associated with positive outcomes in achieving a healthy pregnancy, so increasing your fibre should be a priority.
What are common pregnancy issues fibre can help with?
Fibre is often associated with keeping the gut regular for all populations; for adults, 30g of fibre daily is recommended.[2] Constipation, often linked to low fibre intake, is common near the end of pregnancy, so increasing your fibre intake may help alleviate this issue.[3] Furthermore, fibre helps alleviate low energy, especially if you eat wholemeal carbohydrates like bread.[4]
How can pregnant people eat more fibre?
Like with other demographics, pregnant people on average do not consume enough fibre daily, despite the numerous associated health benefits. However, there are plenty of ways for pregnant people to increase their fibre. Combining fibre-rich foods like bananas and wholemeal bread during snack time or adding more carrots into your spaghetti bolognese sauce for dinner can help add fibre into your daily routine.[5] These fibre-rich foods can be fresh, frozen, or canned so you can store and prepare them as you like – but be sure to wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.[6]
How can you build a fibre-rich pregnancy diet?
Balancing the right types of food is essential during pregnancy. Flour-filled foods like bread, cereal, pasta, and noodles provide a crucial source of energy and vitamins, as well as fibre.[7] Keeping in mind that all flours contain fibre, wholemeal flour has the most, according to Fab Flour.[8] Plus, in the final three months of pregnancy, the NHS recommends you eat around 200 extra calories per day – the equivalent of two slices of wholemeal toast with margarine.[9] Flour-based, fibre-rich foods are especially important for vegetarian and vegan expectant parents.[10]
Flour and fibre for a flourishing pregnancy
The choices made in your diet play a crucial role in enabling a positive and flourishing pregnancy journey. Flour-based foods are inherently rich in fibre, underscoring the significance of eating flour to increase fibre intake during pregnancy and aiding with staying healthy during that time. Embracing a flour- and fibre-filled diet during pregnancy offers a multitude of benefits for expectant parents, for relieving constipation to boosting energy.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It has been compiled from various sources and is not the product of a registered healthcare professional, dietician, or nutritionist. For personalised guidance on dietary choices and health-related matters, it is strongly advised to consult with a registered healthcare professional, dietician, or nutritionist. Any actions taken based on the information provided in this article are at the reader's own discretion, and they should seek professional medical advice for their specific health conditions and dietary needs.
Pretorius, Rachelle A., and Debra J. Palmer. “High-Fiber Diet during Pregnancy Characterized by More Fruit and Vegetable Consumption.” Nutrients, vol. 13, no. 1, 24 Dec. 2020, p. 35. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,,weight%20gain%2C%20and%20preventing%20constipation,
NHS. “How to Get More Fibre into Your Diet.”, 13 July 2022,
What Can Help with Constipation during Pregnancy? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Oct. 2020,
BDA. “Pregnancy and Diet.”, British Dietetic Association, Apr. 2021,
“Vegetarian and Vegan Diets during Pregnancy.”, British Nutrition Foundation, Apr. 2015,
NHS. “Foods to Avoid in Pregnancy.”, 2 Dec. 2020,
NHS. “Healthy Eating in Pregnancy.”, 13 June 2023,
“#FibreFebruary.” FAB Flour,
NHS. “Healthy Eating in Pregnancy.”, 13 June 2023,
“Vegetarian and Vegan Diets during Pregnancy.”, British Nutrition Foundation, Apr. 2015,