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Sep 30, 2020
Mentoring ahead
The first two groups (of four this year) have commenced their mentor training courses in the Virtual Mill. Not only are they learning...

Aug 31, 2020
Students flock to virtual mill
August proved to be a busy month in the Virtual Mill, with revision tutorials attracting students from around the world. Students from as...

Jul 31, 2020
Online revision tutorials
We recognise that disrupted working patterns and a delay in the exam schedule – both a result of the CV19 pandemic – have had an impact...

Jul 31, 2020
The virtual flour mill: remote learning ahead of its time
nabim’s Virtual Mill could have been designed specifically for the “new normal” of social distancing and remote working. In fact the...

Jul 31, 2020
NEW FOR 2020/21: Online tutorials
To support students in their learning, we will be running a series of online tutorials for the 2020/21 distance learning programme. Each...

Jul 31, 2020
Another first: Mill mentor training
nabim has been involved in flour milling training for almost a century, and we are always looking at ways to improve our offering. We...
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